We've grown a year older.


we have to be bonded,
its the second year together
so c'mon everybody,
(for those who watch HOT SHOT)

lets organise by CCA, okay?


Where everyone speaks.

Shi Man{19}
Richard's Official Website
102 class blog
103 class blog
104 class blog
107 class blog
111 class blog
112 class blog
113 class blog

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009
January 2010


Sunday 28 September 2008

the previous is by lishuan

guess who is this smartass who solved the mystery XD

no hints thi$ time hahax

this game is fun..evryone post as anonymous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Wednesday 24 September 2008

hey people!
history exploration FA is due tmr if you are reading this and haven't done it!
if not, self-service to hand up the FA to Ms Tay's locker on Fri.


Sunday 14 September 2008

ehk..y u all say like that one??dun say that sme people are asses..so sad..are u refering to me..sobsob..we shall try to get our class more bonded..ouh..rite..wen are we going to start wif the netball carnival prac??i wan be in the team..pwetty pls...=) whos in charge anyway??haha..we better start planning if we wan win!!but its not about winning..its abt having FUN!!winning is just extra..so yay!!okay...

tag my blog..and those who wan me link go tag at my blog..yay!!
p.s.victoria i linked u liao..=)


geog notes(hyv seeds)

Here is the editted version for the geog notes..enjoy!!

Negative impacts of HYV seeds
1. need to buy and increase the usage of HYV seed and inputs, like water and chemicals > becomes expansive as many people buys it > poor farmers have not enough money so they have to borrow > banks do not want to loan them the money because they are too poor and afraid that they will not be able to pay up their loan > so they turn to moneylenders > cannot repay moneylenders because of high interest and prices of rice drops due to green revolution as there is competition > becomes in debt > land gets taken away > loss of land > gets stuck in poverty cycle > go to cities in search of jobs > live in slums
2. mono-cultivation of HYV increase susceptibility of rice crops to pest > pests will affect crops > due to the small variety > more crops killed by pests > economy goes down

1. more pests killed > less damage to crops -> more output
2a. fish and mussels in padi fields die > less food for sale and consumption b. excess pesticides -> drained into rivers ->water pollution > marine ecosystem is affected negatively
3. illiterate farmers -> can’t take precautionary measures -> spray on windy days> may be killed if inhaled / sick -> 1. lower productivity -> less output 2. incur medical cost -> less money for the family
4. cost of production increase > poor farmers cant afford > borrow money from moneylenders that charge high interest > because of high interest and prices of rice drops due to green revolution as there is competition > becomes in debt > land gets taken away > loss of land > gets stuck in poverty cycle > go to cities in search of jobs > live in slums

5. demand for pesticides increase ->chemical industry boom > more job opportunities -> increase income -> higher standard of living
6. pests become more resistant > have to develop stronger pesticides > development of super pests
7. kill pest/insects that harm crops > less crops lost due to death of pests > higher yield per ha. > increase income >increase in SOL.

8. kill pest/insects that harm crops > more resistant pest > research in labs to produce more effective pestisides(cycle)

9. poisoned water in padi > need to buy pesticides >chemical industry has more jobs created > decrease in unemployment rates

>10. poisoned water in padi > fish in padi dies > farmer has one less source for income + less food to feed family(subsistence)

11. poisoned water in padi > flows into river > affects the eco-system and marine life > fishes become poisonous > less food for people + people die from poison + decrease in fishermen

12. buffaloes suffer from hooves & mouth diseases -> lower productivity ->lower income ->lower Standard of living

13. use of pesticides > uneducated farmers unable to carry out safety steps due to inability to read labels > leads to deaths/sickness/side-effects > 80% of deaths due to pesticides occur in developing countries (third-world)

14. toxic harvests > may harm consumers * minor point

Use of machinery
> growth in engineering industry > higher employment rate > higher income > higher standard of living
- more efficient > shorter time taken for harvest > start next harvest earlier > multiple cropping -> increase output >
a. increase money for investment for farming and expenses > systematic transport of water to plants
b. more income > higher standard of living
2. spend more money on machines > a. less money for others e.g daily necessities > lower standard of living
b. borrow money from moneylenders that charge high interest > because of high interest and prices of rice drops due to green revolution as there is competition > becomes in debt > land gets taken away > loss of land > gets stuck in poverty cycle > go to cities in search of jobs > live in slums
3. replace workers > less job opportunities > less income > go to city to find job -> can’t find job -> move to slums > more diseases spread > more deaths >
4. use of fuel for machinery > a. increase cost of production
b. emit harmful gases e.g carbon dioxide > air pollution > health deteriorates

2. more fertilizers > higher demand for fertilizer producing companies -> increase in companies producing fertilizers > a. more jobs > higher income > higher SOL (individually)
b. more sale > higher income > country’s revenue increase > more money available for development (country)
4. excessive use of fertilizers > throughflow contaminated with fertilizers > enter water bodies > eutrophication > algae boom -> a. lower oxygen in river b. blocks out sunlight -> plants die a. & b -> fishes die
6. > farmers did not allow fallowing of land > soil mineral composition change -> calcification
Drainage system and irrigation
1. supply of water throughout the year
- water can be channelled to crops during dry seasons > double cropping-> more output ->higher income->higher standard of living
2. regulate and control the flow of water
3. Over-irrigate ->a. waterlogged -> loss of arable land
-> b. evaporation of water -> mineral salts from the river deposited -> too much -> infertile soil

isdiyanah =)

Tuesday 9 September 2008
class shirt etc

everyone the designs will be out latest by the end of tmr :D
sorry for not being able to come up with it earlier.

lots of love, rebs

Sunday 7 September 2008

use of pestisides

> kill pest/insects that harm crops > less crops lost due to death of pests > higher yield per ha. > increase income >increase in SOL.

> kill pest/insects that harm crops > more resistant pest > research in labs to produce more effective pestisides(cycle)

> poisoned water in padi > need to buy pesticides >chemical industry has more jobs created > decrease in unemployment rates

> poisoned water in padi > various types of pestisides created in market > lower cost of pesticides

> poisoned water in padi > fish in padi dies > farmer has one less source for income + less food to feed family(subsistence)

> poisoned water in padi > flows into river > affects the eco-system and marine life > fishes become poisonous > less food for people + people die from poison + decrease in fishermen

> buffaloes drink the water in padi and walking in it > poison in water causes diseases like mouth diseases

>use of pesticides > uneducated farmers unable to carry out safety steps due to unability to read labels > leads to deaths/sickness/side-effects > 80% of deaths due to pesticides > occur in developing countries(third-world)

Friday 5 September 2008

lol..putting urself as anonymous doesnt work, a writer can just go post and see who u r..anw,i not that bo liao,i just came for the geog and saw *** ****'s name XD
i shall respect ur identity..

anw,i sorta agree 108 is not bonded,but at least we r not enemies =D,and we have people frm different cliques close to each other..SO

IT's O-K-A-Y !!=)XD

i love free food,this is just as good as putting up my name XD ongsmportal.blogspot.com

Thursday 4 September 2008

this blog is dead
because nt everyone is a writer
and why?
because we are ot fully bonded.
its simple; i mean
we shld try to write a blog together
is that so hard
im kinda emoing now
its so frustrating
hope you guys understand


hey all! :D
okokokokok. here they are pple! haha. THE GEOG THING! i shall add yiyun's one later coz ya. i didnt come to this blog for quite some time so i didnt see her tag the tagboard there. haha. she hasnt sent it to me yet! ;D hurry yy!

Negative impacts of HYV seeds
1. need to buy and increase the usage of HYV seed and inputs, like water and chemicals > becomes expansive as many people buys it > poor farmers have not enough money so they have to borrow > banks do not want to loan them the money because they are too poor and afraid that they will not be able to pay up their loan > so they turn to moneylenders > cannot repay moneylenders because of high interest and prices of rice drops due to green revolution as there is competition > becomes in debt > land gets taken away > loss of land > gets stuck in poverty cycle > go to cities in search of jobs > live in slums

2. mono-cultivation of HYV increase susceptibility of rice crops to pest > pests will affect crops > due to the small variety > more crops killed by pests > economy goes down

3. diseases, e.g water baffaloes get mouth disease and lose their hooves > needs to be treated > may be hospitalized > money is spent > poverty cycle starts again

1. more pests killed > better crops

2. leads to water pollution > marine ecosystem is affected negatively > fish and mussels die > less food for sale and consumption

3. threats to humans > may be killed if inhaled

4. cost of production increase > farmers cant afford > borrow money > cant pay back > loss of land > get poorer / enter poverty cycle

5. chemical industry boom > demand for pesticides increase > more job opportunities

6. efficiency of production increase > more output > higher cost revenue > more money for development

7. pests become more resistant > have to develop stronger pesticides > effects are stronger because of humid conditions

8. farmers do not use protective gears > poses a threat to his life

9. toxic harvests > may harm consumers > more deaths

10. plant becomes reliant on the pesticides > becomes weaker > nutritional value decreases

Drainage system and irrigation
1. supply of water throughout

> water can be channeled to crops during dry seasons > more output

2. regulate and control the flow of water

> controls amount of flooding > less efficient
> less manual labour > more labour used for other purposes > increase the efficiency of growing crops > shorter time taken for harvest >start next harvest earlier > increase output > increase money for investment for farming and expenses
> systematic transport of water to plants

3. too much money spent > less money spent on other developments on the farm > more capital needed > farmer has not enough money

Use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides
1. kills organisms in field > less items to sell such as fishes > fields become less fertile due to the absence of waste from fishes > less output > less income

2. better chemical industry > economy increases

3. disease and deaths of animals e.g water buffaloes > loss of animals for ploughing > efficiency decreases

Use of machinery
1. more efficient > shorter time for processing
> multiple cropping > more output > more export > more surplus > more income > higher SOL
> better engineering industry > higher employment rate > higher income > higher SOL
> triple cropping which will increase productivity and output > less time for fallowing the fertility of soil > less output > less income

2. spend more money on capital > less money for others e.g daily necessities > lower SOL

3. less workers needed > less job opportunities > less income > lower SOL > move to slums > more diseases spread > more deaths > unhappy with the government > do not give support > POL affected

4. emit harmful gases e.g carbon dioxide > air pollution > health decreases + cannot good grow crops + less flora and fauna > lower output > less money

5. use of natural resources e.g coal for machinery > more job opportunities + demand goes up > cost of coal increases + better industry > better economy

1. use of fertilizers > buffalos feed on the grass tinted with fertilizers > they have mouth diseases and their hooves fall off > eventually die > less labour

2. more fertilizers > increase in companies producing fertilizers > more jobs > higher income > higher SOL

3. more fertilizers > higher demand for fertilizer producing companies > more sale > higher income > country’s revenue increase > more money available for development

4. excessive use of fertilizers > throughflow contaminated with fertilizers > enter water bodies > water contaminated > people who drink it falls ill > smaller population

5. excessive use of fertilizers > throughflow contaminated with fertilizers > enter water bodies>water contaminated > animals who drink the water/marine life die > ecosystem affected

6. high demand for food > farmers did not allow fallowing of land > higher output ASAP > natural nutrients decrease over time

okiees. i still need yiyun's grp!!! xD
i helped revive the blog too! :D haha.
hows the hols mann pple?
rachie <3